Currency converter

The Hungarian Forint is never standing still, and it can be quite hard to keep up to date with the value of the Hungarian Forint. Some years ago 1 Euro was 230 Forint, and then in 2009 1 Euro reached around 320 Forint. Currently 1 Euro gives you somewhere between 280 and 290 Forints, but this keeps changing all the time. Because of this we just added a currency converter to our page about the currency in Hungary, so if you would like to know how much the Hungarian Forint is currently worth, head towards our currency page!

Currency page with currency converter

Formula 1 in Budapest this weekend

Formula 1
Formula 1

The most exciting weekend of the year in Budapest is just around the corner. Michael Schumacher and his competetors will race the annual Formula 1 race at Hungaroring Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and thousands of tourists come to Budapest to check out this amazing event. Hotel prices go up with almost 20% for this weekend, so everyone does their best to get the most out of this extraordinary event.

The main races will be Saturday and Sunday at Hungaroring outside Budapest. For more information about the race, check out our Formula 1 in Budapest page. If you want to get to Hungaroring using public transportation, read more about “How to get to Hungaroring.”

Enjoy your weekend, and if you still have not booked your hotel, check out our Budapest hotel descriptions! If you want an airport transfer, or maybe a guided tour, hurry up and contact us today!