Reply To: How cold does it get in Budapest in November?

Budapest Guide Forums Everything about Budapest How cold does it get in Budapest in November? Reply To: How cold does it get in Budapest in November?

Budapest Guide

November is a month in which you can be extremely lucky, but you can also be unlucky. What does that mean? It all depends on what you like, but if you are lucky, you can enjoy very nice temperatures and sunshine in November, meaning you have 10 Celsius and sunshine, making it feel very nice.

But, it is also possible to get a really cold wind and 0 degrees, which makes it feel like it is freezing colds. The best suggestion is to look at the weather forecast a few days before you travel as it will give you a little feeling about what you can expect. But it is important to prepare for cold weather and wind, as it is easier to remove a layer of clothes compared to putting on clothes you never brought along.