The Fisherman’s Bastion

Fishermen's Bastion
Fishermen’s Bastion

Next to the Matthias Church, you can find the Fishermans Bastion. In the old times, the fishermen were protecting this area, something they were told to do in case the Mongolian army would return again (as they first did in 1240-1241)  and after them, the place received its name. Today this place is known for its beautiful view over the city and the Pest side. It was built, as we see it today, between 1895 and 1902. The seven towers symbolize the tents of the seven tribe leaders that lead the Hungarians into their nation by the end of the 9th century.

Normally it is free entrance to the Fishermens Bastion from October 23rd every year until March 15th, two Hungarian national days. However, during the main season when it cost money to walk on the Fishermens Bastion, there are still several parts of it which can be enjoyed for free without paying anything.

The Fishermen’s Bastion

Opening times: Between 9:00-18:00
Fees: Free (you only pay to go up into the towers)
Address: Szentháromság Tér
Metro stop: Moszkva Tér, castlebus (VÁRBUSZ) from there

Fishermen’s Bastion pictures

Fishermens Bastion Panorama
Fishermens Bastion