Best hotels in Budapest

Every year TripAdvisor publishes a list showing the favorite hotels of several million tourists around the world. On the list presenting the Travelers Choice Awards for 2009 three Budapest hotels are mentioned as well.

Bargain hotels
On the list presenting the best bargain hotels in the World, easyHotel Budapest Oktogon is listed on a 63. place. Considering that we are speaking about the entire world, that is not to bad.

Luxury hotels
Corinthia Grand Hotel Royal BudapestThe winner of this category was the Aria Hotel in Prague, but on a nice 17. place Corinthia Grand Hotel Royal can be found. As number 75. Four Seasons Hotel Gresham can be found, also located in Budapest. On the statistic showing the best luxury hotels in Europe Corinthia Grand Hotel Royal is located at 9. place. (picture of this hotel at right)

If you want to book a room in some of this hotels, or if you would rather stay in apartment, just surf around on our pages, and contact us if help is needed!

The entire list of awards can be downloaded here (pdf)

Evening pictures from Budapest

We enjoy making pictures, and yesterday I received a bunch of pictures from someone in the family, so in the coming days and weeks I will post pictures quite regularly to the blog. If you want to see them all, I suggest that you just check all posts with the label “pictures“.

Below you can see four pictures; the Parliament, the Castle, the Chain Bridge and a small tunnel for walkers, located by the Clark Adam Square.

Hungarian Parliament Chain Bridge Castle Grafitti

Budapest pictures
Budapest films