Reply To: Are there events on the days before and after St. Stephen’s Day in Budapest?

Budapest Guide Forums Everything about Budapest Are there events on the days before and after St. Stephen’s Day in Budapest? Reply To: Are there events on the days before and after St. Stephen’s Day in Budapest?

Budapest Guide

There are no 100% rules regarding this, but they often add additional events to the days leading up to St. Stephen’s Day, or sometimes after. This all depends on what day August 20th happens to be on in that given year. If it is on a Friday, they will often add special events to the Saturday and Sunday during the weekend (on August 21st and 22nd). If August 20th is on a Sunday or a Monday, they will often do special concerts and additional events on the Saturday/Sunday (the days leading up to the celebration).

This can only be known for sure in the weeks leading up to the celebration. There is also a handicraft festival in the castle area (Mestersegek Unnepe) and it is normally arranged combined with the St. Stephens Day celebrations, so that is also worth checking out.

You can read more about the celebration at: