Bors GasztroBár review

Yesterday I was out walking together with a group of tourists. Our walk together ended in Szimpla Budapest and since I had some spare time before my next program I though I’d grab something to eat. I kept walking in Kacinzcy utca, and suddenly on my right side I saw something that woke my interest… Bors GasztroBár. As I looked in the window it looked interesting and luckily there were quite empty as I went inside to check out this restaurant/bistro or whatever you’d call it.

I went inside Bors GasztroBár, looked at the menu and got a bit insecure. I am not so much of a gourmet (see: Mak Bistro and LaciPecsenye) so I normally prefer my food to be very straight forward with no special spices and ingredients added to them. Still, my curiosity for new tastes have grown recently, so I thought I’d grab the chance to taste something new. On the inside a smiling guys shouts out welcome (later I realised that the person saying hello is one of the two master chefs in the GasztroBár named György Rethling). I looked at the different dishes on the menu and without taking any big risk I ordered a Hungarian Dream sandwich with salami, pepper (paprika), smoked cheese and tomato on the inside. I accompanied my order with a celery cream soup and a ginger sambucus (elderberry) “juice” to drink. The soup was finished in 1 minute so I had barely found my seat before György shouted my name and told me that the soup was finished.

Inside the restaurant you will find different articles about the restaurant and some gastro magazines. In one of the articles the writer said that the quality of the soups are so high that you would gladly pay 2000 HUF for them in a normal Budapest restaurant. I think I agree. The celery cream soup was a perfect starter and I almost felt sad that I did not order a taste of all the soups, just to check them out. But, I will have to return some other time to do that.

The sandwich was served a few minutes after I finished my soup and it tasted just the way it was supposed to. After eating the soup and the sandwich I was kind of full, but since they had some deserts available on the menu I simply had to try at least one of them. I decided to go for a cheese cake with blueberry jam. Since this is a gourmet place they added some black pepper to bring forth the sweetness of the cake. The cheese cake was a success as well, though I would probably try something else if I returned as this did not become my new favorite.

Cheese cake in Bors GasztroBar

Still, the atmosphere, the kindness and great service, the “fantastic choice” comments as I ordered the different things from the menu, and not to forget the prices, makes this a place I already look forward to return to sometime in the near future. I ate a delicious soup, a large sandwich, ate a large cheese cake and drank 0,4 liter of homemade soft drink for only 1750 HUF… that is nothing. If I had skipped the dessert the price would have been only 1240 HUF which is cheaper than a Whopper menu in Burger King, and ten times better!

It might be that many people who visit Szimpla Kert somehow drop by Bors GasztroBar for a bite of food before or after the ruin pub, but making the ruin pub the main attraction. In the near future I somehow predict that people will go to Kacinczy utca because of Bors GasztroBar, and as a bonus to the program they will pay a visit to Szimpla afterwards.

Go visit Bors GasztroBár and meet the enthusiastic chef and owners Tamas Lipher and György Rethling and enjoy a meal in one of the most promising and trendy places in Budapest at the moment!

Ps: Sorry about the bad quality of the photos. Somehow I did not expect ending up in such a great place, so I only had my middle class mobile phone to make pictures with!

Bors GasztroBar seen from the outside

Bors GasztroBar information:

Opening times: Monday-Saturday from 11.30-21.00
Address: Kazinczy utca 10, 1075 Budapest
Telephone: +36/ 70 935 3263, +36/70 701 3656

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