Relief exhibition – Red Sludge Catastrophe 2010: National Museum

Red Slugde exhibition
Red Slugde exhibition
On 4 October 2010, at 12.25 p. m., the northwestern corner of the dam of waste reservoir no. 10. collapsed at the Ajka Alumina Plant of the MAL Hungarian Aluminium Company, and the spill of toxic red sludge of about 600,000-700,000 cubic metres flooded the lower parts of nearby Kolontár, Devecser and Somlóvásárhely.

Pictures and videos from the disaster spread around the world within hours, and most people have heard of it, at least those watching news and reading newspapers.

Now visitors to the Hungarian National Museum can get more insight into the disaster by visiting the exhibition “Relief exhibition – Red Sludge Catastrophe 2010“. Here you can see photos, videos, childrens’s drawings of the catastrophe, and protective clothing and accessories of the volunteers. The entrance fee is 500 Ft, which goes directly to helping the victims in Devecser.

Relief exhibition – Red Sludge Catastrophe 2010
Hungarian National Museum
November 10 – December 12

Budapest museums

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