Making table reservations easier

Today we added a form to our table reservation page to make it even easier to book a table in your favorite restaurant in Budapest. Just fill in the needed forms, and you will normally receive a confirmation from us within 24 hours confirming that the table is waiting for you!

Robinson BudapestWe hope this will make it even better for you, and easier for everyone! So, I guess it is just to look through our register of Budapest restaurant, and find out which one will be perfect when you come to Budapest!

The last week we have helped out with table reservations in several restaurants. The three most popular; Sir Lancelot, Trófea Grill and Rézkakas!

By the way:
Did you know that Robbie Williams, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Robert Redford, David Bowie, Sylvester Stallone, David Copperfield, Mia Farrow and Jean-Claude van Damme all have visited the Robinson restaurant in the City Park? You can see a little picture from the restaurant above!

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