Volt Festival 2011

Not far away from Austria and Vienna the beautiful city of Sopron is located. To Sopron thousands of people travel every year to parttake in the annual festival named “Volt Festival”. In 2011 they will probably return between June 29th and July 2nd, as these are the dates for the festival.

For more information about the Volt Festival, check out our Volt Festival page.

Events and concerts

Women, Hand-Woven Rugs, Home Industry

Women, Hand-Woven Rugs, Home Industry

The exhibition in the Museum of Ethnography, part of the Uplifting Century national series of programmes, presents carpets made in peasant households in the light of and together with the efforts made in the late 19th century to promote cottage industry.

If this sounds interesting you have 8 months left before this temporary exhibition will close up in the Museum of Ethnography in Budapest.

Women, Hand-Woven Rugs, Home Industry
June 24, 2011 – August 26, 2012

Budapest museums