Auguszt confectionary near Ferenciek Square

Auguszt Confectionary (Auguszt Cukrászda) can be found three places in Budapest, and the newest location is located in the Kossuth Lajos Utca, not far from the Ferenciek Square. The confectionary has been operating since 1870, and the department that can be found near the Ferenciek Square looks stylish, old-fashioned and nice.

Augsuzt Confectionary Budapest

If you would like to taste cakes in the new Auguszt confectionary, take on your shoes and head towards Kossuth Lajos utca 14.00-16.00 and enjoy life. The confectionary is open from 9-19 on weekdays and from 10.00-17.00 on Saturdays.

Other Auguszt confectionaries in Budapest:
Auguszt Pavilon:  Sasadi Út 190
Auguszt Cukrászda: Fény utca 8