Budapest synagogue by night pictures

The Dohányi Utcai synagogue in Budapest is the second largest in the world and it attracts hundred thousands of visitors every year. I just added some pictures of the synagogue by night for our visitors to enjoy, but I also did so to answer a question I received during a guided tour half a year ago. The tourists asked me what the “tablets” above the entrance of the synagogue are. I was not sure, but I guessed that they were some “model” of the Ten Commandments or something similar.

Tablets above Synagoue entrance

As I walked by and made these photos not long ago I zoomed in with my camera and made a picture. As I came home I checked the pictures and compared them with my Hebrew Bible. The answer; on the tables you can find parts of the Ten Commandments. The first and the third commandment are very long, so you can not find them completely, but commandments such as “You shall not kill” , “You shall not commit adultery” and “You shall not steal” can be found in its complete beauty!

Synagoue by night pictures

Budapest attractions

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