Do passengers over 65 years travel free with public transportation in Budapest?

A leaflet about Budapest says that passengers aged 65 and older may use public transportation (such as subway, trams and buses) for free. Is this true? My only ID to prove my age is my passport. Is that enough?

First of all thank you for the question. This is a very popular question asked by many, so we will try to answer your question giving all necessary information. For a long time, the transportation in Budapest was free for people above 65 years, if they have a Hungarian passport or a passport from another country within the European Union.

As of 2024, this has changed, meaning that public transportation in Budapest is free for everyone above 65 years, as long as they can confirm their age with a passport of official ID card.

Information from the public transportation company in Budapest about free transportation in Budapest (April 2024).

All you need is a passport or an official ID that confirms that you are older than 65 years. If that is okay, you can easily travel by any tram, bus, or metro in Budapest and if asked, show your ID. You do not need to buy tickets for any of these vehicles at all.

Isn’t that delightful? And it is also a great improvement that this is available for anyone, not only for Hungarians and people from the EU. If you come from Canada, the United States, Mexico, India, China, Japan, or anywhere else, this information is valid for you as well!

I hope this answer helps you out. Feel free to come with comments, feedback or other stuff using the comment field on this page.

Six free activities you should enjoy in Budapest!

Budapest is a fantastic city with amazing attractions and activities waiting. Maybe you come with lots of money and want to see and experience everything, no matter how much it will cost. Or perhaps you are trying to spend as little money as possible during your days in Budapest? This article will show you several activities and programs that you can enjoy without spending any money.

Six things you can experience in Budapest for free!

The Fishermens’ bastion.

This historic fortification is one of the most famous attractions in Budapest. It is located on the Buda hill in the castle area, next to the famous Matthias church. You can enjoy a fantastic view from the Fishermen’s bastion towards the Hungarian Parliament, the Danube, the Margaret Island. It will give you a panorama no camera can catch entirely.

The entire Fishermen’s bastion is free to visit between October 23rd and March 15th every year. Besides that, the ground level can be explored and enjoyed for free all year. In other words, an excellent place for a free and fantastic panorama in Budapest.

fishermens' bastion

Walk along the Danube Promenade.

You do not need to pay anything to walk up and down the streets of Budapest. And if you like to walk, you should definitely walk up and down the streets next to the Danube. The panorama is extraordinary, both during daytime and nighttime. If you have the chance, walk from the Elisabeth bridge to the Margaret bridge (on the Pest side), walk across the Margaret bridge, grab something to eat at Trofea Grill (by the Margaret bridge on the Buda side), and then walk back along the Buda side until you get to the Chain bridge and walk across it back to the Pest side. This will give you a fantastic walk with a beautiful panorama in Budapest.

danube panorama

Explore the Central Market Hall.

Nothing is free inside the Big Market Hall, besides walking around on the inside. But even though it might sound boring to walk in a market hall without spending money, half the experience here is looking around. It is interesting to see all the products Hungarians come to buy daily in the market hall, and you will for sure enjoy it!

Market Hall

Learn some history at the Heroes square.

The most famous square in Budapest is the Heroes Square. It is located in the City park, a majestic square surrounded by two fantastic museums, the Art Hall and the Museum of Fine Arts. It is free to walk around the square, and you can do a quick wrap-up on Hungarian history if you read more about the different characters shown as statues on the square.

If you want to visit the museums for free, come to Budapest for one of the Hungarian national days (August 20th, March 15th, or October 23rd). Most of the museums in the city are free to visit on such days.

Heroes Square

Discover the City Park.

You have already been to the Heroes square, so why not walk on to the City park? This is a gigantic park area in which you can find playgrounds, restaurants, cafés, and the magnificent Vajdhahunyad castle. What’s even better is that you can walk around in the park and also in the Vajdahunyad castle area for free. You need to pay to enter the different parts of the castle, but walking through the castle area is free and an experience on its own.

Explore the Margaret Island

It is easy to spend money at the Margaret island renting bicycles, visiting the Palatinus bath, or living in one of the spa hotels. But it is possible to walk around in the beautiful environment while watching remains from a former monastery, watching the water in a fountain move to the rhythms of classical music, and visiting a tiny zoo for free at the Margaret island. You can also run on the running track surrounding the island, or bring a blanket and enjoy a picnic with the things you bring along. No matter what, the Margaret island is a fantastic place to go in Budapest.


These activities offer a great introduction to the culture and history of Budapest, and they are all completely free, making them accessible to visitors of all budgets. Would you rather read more about ideas for a romantic day in Budapest? We have lots of interesting in our Budapest Guide, so make sure to look around for inspiration, ideas, and helpful suggestions.

Does senior citizens travel free on public transportation in Budapest?

Pensioners on public transportation in BudapestI have seen on another website that Hungarian citizens and citizens of the European union over 65 years travel free of charges in the transportation network of Budapest? Is that truly so?

Thank you for the question. The answer to your question is yes. People aged 65 or more travel free of charge with the public transportation in Budapest as long as they have a passport confirming their age. But, it is not enough that the passport confirms their age, it also needs to show that the person traveling comes from an EU nation or an EEA nation. If your passport confirms your age above 65 and home country (within the EU or EEA), then you can use the public transportation system in Budapest for free.

This question was originally answered in 2012, but as of August 29th in 2017 the answer remains the same. Let us all hope the answer will not change in the near future.

Does pensioners travels free in Budapest?
Do pensioners travel free in Budapest with public transportation?

If you have further comments or questions related to this, please use the comment field beneath.

Rod Stewart Budapest 2010 [Free concert]

Rod Stewart Budapest concert 2010
Rod Stewart Budapest concert 2010
Rod Stewart will come to Budapest June 2010 to perform at the annual Kapcsolat-concert (Connection-concert). This is a sponsored concert so there is no entrance fee, which means everyone can get to hear Rod Stewart perform for free. This normally leads several hundred thousand people to Budapest every year.

The free concert will be arranged in Budapest June 26th, and the event will start at 19.00.

The concert is arranged at the 56-osok square, which is located just behind the Art Hall, which is located at the Heroes Square in Budapest.

Rod Stewart Budapest
June 26th, 19:00

Since the concert is free, why not spend some money on a delicious wine tasting?

Other concerts and events in Budapest
Rod Stewart Vienna