Pizza Cruise on the Danube in Budapest – Should you buy a ticket?

There are many fantastic boat trips available on the Danube in Budapest. The river is fantastic and the view is even more awesome. Can you imagine watching the beautiful attractions of Budapest illuminated in the evening while eating the best food on earth… pizza? That sure sounds nice, doesn’t it? It is no wonder so many people are interested in buying tickets for the popular pizza boat trip on the Danube. But, is it worth it?

Recently, we published an article about a Dinner Cruise with Live Music on the Danube. In the article, we wrote that even though we are located in Budapest and help book tickets for different boat trips on the Danube in Budapest, we do not necessarily say that all trips are equally good. In fact, if there are boat trips we think you should skip, then we will tell you. So, what is the reality when it comes to the Pizza Boat Trip on the Danube arranged by Silverline in Budapest?

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Our experience eating pizza on the Danube in Budapest.

The trip we are discussing is the one you can book tickets for above using the GetYourGuide widget. If you visit the page, you can see several positive and some negative reviews. Here are our thoughts!

The trip itself is great. The Danube is beautiful, and the service on the ship is good. You can drink as much as you want which is ideal if you are thirsty, meaning you can get unlimited soft-drinks, ice-tea and some other drinks.

But, why do you buy tickets for a boat trip on the Danube where they serve you pizza? Because you love pizza. And if you love pizza, then you want the pizza to be good. Unfortunately, that was not so on this ship.

We attended the boat trip with a group of six persons, and you can choose from four different pizzas (that must be done upon booking). We tasted three of the four pizzas (we skipped the Hawaii pizza as none of us appreciate pineapple on pizza).

The pizzas were served, and we were looking very much forward to eating pizza while enjoying the view.

pizza on the danube

The pizzas came and upon first look we felt disappointed. It looked like the cheese and the ham and the ingredients were the cheapest of the cheapest at the nearest super market. Unfortunately, the taste didn’t tell us otherwise. We were then having serious discussions about whether we were actually served a frozen pizza with a basic tomato sauce, and then they just added toppings according to the orders, but we didn’t really come to a conclusion (even though I still believe it was a basic frozen pizza with some toppings added before added on the ship).

We traveled with kids, so our kids had a wonderful time on the Danube, one of my son even makes jokes about this being the best pizza he has ever eaten, but I guess that says more about his attitude than the pizza.

All in all, we will remember the trip, and we had a good time. But, if the goal is to combine a trip on the beautiful Danube in Budapest with a delightful pizza, then you should bring the pizza yourself and not eat the one you are served onboard.

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This is our experience, but we know from reviews on GetYourGuide that many people have truly enjoyed the trip. Would you like to share your thoughts about the trip? Or do you have any questions?

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Which are the best activities in Budapest in April?

Summer isn’t here yet, but you have decided to take some days off to visit Budapest. Even though April is a spring month, the weather isn’t always stable, meaning that you can expect both sunshine and some rainshowers. When you plan your trip to Budapest in April, which are the things you should take into consideration? Are there any activities you should reserve beforehand or put on your schedule?

Spring comes early to Budapest, and already in March, you can be lucky enough to catch days with high temperatures, meaning that you can wear a shorts and t-shirt outside. But, that isn’t the normal, and there is a big difference between the beautiful days and the not so beautiful days. Of course, all days are beautiful in Budapest, but you should look at the weather forecast before you travel to get a hint of what kind of weather you can expect, as this will greatly influence what your days will be like and how much time you want to spend outside.

Budapest in April – some ideas!

If you come to Budapest on some beautiful days in April, then you should use the chance to sit outdoor and drink delicious white wine from Tokaj, a spritz (combination of rose/white-wine and water with gas), and also to eat traditional Hungarian food. Many restaurants have tables outside waiting for you on days with warmer temperatures and sunshine, so you should look for such restaurants as you plan where to eat your dinner.

spritz in budapest

If you experience Budapest on a sunshine day in April, the hop-on hop-off buses are perfect, especially those without roof. It isn’t so warm that you melt, and the sun isn’t at its strongest yet (UV), but you can still feel good and see Budapest from the top of the bus, enjoying the sun and all the fantastic Budapest attractions. If you’d rather explore Budapest on a guided tour on foot, that is also a fantastic activity on a nice sunshine day in April.

hop on hop off budapest

It might require some planning ahead, but if you like running, then there are several running competitions in Budapest in April. Some of them are half-marathons, while others come with both shorter and longer distances available. You can read more about upcoming events, concerts, and exhibitions in Budapest in our Budapest calendar.

running in budapest

What else is there to say? As spring comes around, so does all the wonderful colors of nature. Why not visit the zoo in the City Park which is a combination of a botanical garden and a zoo? It will give you the pleasure of watching magnificent and majestic animals, combined with the peaceful colors of nature and beautiful flowers and trees. If you’d rather just enjoy the colors of nature, then a visit to the Japanese garden on the Margaret Island, or the botanical garden “Füvészkert” near the metro stop Semmelweis Klinikak are wonderful chances to see spring come forth.

Japanese Garden

No matter how many times you have been to Budapest, a boat trip on the Danube is a wonderful activity. If you have been on the Danube 30 times before, or it is something you have never experienced, it is a fantastic experience you shouldn’t miss. Do not forget, to see Budapest by daytime and in the evening are two widely different experiences, so both of them are warmly recommended!

If you want to leave the city center and explore the vicinity, do like most other people do. Travel by metro to Nyugati Pályaudvar (blue line) and travel by bus 291 to the endstation. There you will find the chair-lift which will take you more than 262 meters upwards in about 12 minutes. At the end station you can walk around in a beautiful green area, or simply get back on the chair-lift and travel back to the city.

budapest chairlift

These are some fantastic activities you should consider if you come to Budapest in April. For more information about ongoing and upcoming programs in Budapest, look at our page “What’s going on in Budapest.”

If you have comments or questions, write them below.

Six activities you should try in Budapest in May!

May is one of the best months of the year if you want to explore Budapest. Even though it can be very warm, it doesn’t get extremely hot. In other words, May is perfect for walking up and down the streets of Budapest, shopping, eating outdoor, and staying up until late in the evening without fearing cold temperatures.

But, are there any special activities ideal for tourists coming to Budapest in May? Of course! Some of these activities are suitable during the entire year, but they are even more fantastic in May. Are you ready to be inspired? Bring your notebook, a cup of coffee, and start planning your trip to Budapest today!

Six great activities in Budapest in May.

Let’s get started! Do not forget that you can read more about all sorts of Budapest activities here in our Budapest Guide. You can also find information about the most popular attractions, guided tours, public transportation, and other important topics as you read the different articles.

May is a perfect month for a guided tour on foot.

If this is the first time you are coming to Budapest, you should definitely go on a guided tour. Such trips will help you get an overview of the city, and you can learn much more about the topics you are interested in. Some people are worried that you only learn about boring history on guided tours, but with a private guide you have the flexibility to learn more about the topics you are interested in. If you don’t care about history, then it is still fantastic to walk around the city and learn more about what Hungarians eat (as you visit the Grand Market Hall), get an overview of the city, and at the same time learn more about what makes Budapest such a beautiful city. And once again, you are very likely to experience nice temperatures in May, which makes a guided tour on foot a perfect activity.

guided tour in budapest

Whenever you come to Budapest, a boat trip on the Danube is a fantastic experience!

It doesn’t matter when you come to Budapest… a boat trip on the Danube is fantastic throughout the entire year. The only thing you should take into consideration is what time of the day you do the trip. Budapest is beautiful during daytime, but it is magical with the illuminated buildings in the evening. If you want to enjoy the view of the illuminated buildings in May, you should go on a boat trip starting (or still traveling) around 20.00 in the evening.

Should you buy tickets for a dinner cruise or just a sightseeing cruise? That is entirely your decision. It is something wonderful about eating while looking at the beautiful surroundings, but the food might take some of the focus from the joy of what you see.

Visit a thermal bath early in the morning or late in the evening!

Budapest is well-known for its thermal water. You should bring a swimming suit to Budapest, but if you want to maximize the experience in May, you should visit a thermal bath early in the morning or in the evening. Our favorite place is Szechenyi Furdö (located in the City Park). This is the best place for enjoying the hot springs outside, and the colder it gets, the better it is. And yes, that is why you should go early in the morning or late in the evening. Széchenyi Fürdő is open from 6 in the morning until 22.00 in the evening, and if you come early, you can enjoy the fresh air, combined with outdoor pools with temperatures between 26 and 38 Celsius. If you go in the evening, it gets a little bit more chilled, and you can also enjoy the romantic steam coming up from the pools which gets more visible with the lights turned on around the pools in the evenings.

Another advantage of going early or late is that you avoid the crowds.

Széchenyi in Budapest

Enjoy the Budapest view from one of many viewpoints in the city.

Budapest has lots of fantastic spots for those who want to take good photos or just want to enjoy the view with their own eyes. If you walk downtown, two great spots are Budapest Eye and the dome of the St. Stephen’s Basilica.

View from the Budapest Eye.
View from the Budapest Eye.

If you are located in the City Park, then BalloonFly is a perfect activity. The balloon will take you up 150 meters in the air from which you can get a stunning view of all of Budapest. The ride lasts for about 15 minutes, and it is one of the most exciting ways to see Budapest (unless you fear heights). The balloon is easy to spot as you walk around in the City Park of Budapest. It is only available on days with good weather.

balloonfly budapest
Examples of what you can see during a trip with BalloonFly in Budapest.

If you decide to travel to the Buda-side, then you can get a splendid view from the tower of the Matthias Church (the best in Budapest), or from the dome of the National Gallery (which is a part of the castle).

The Margaret Island is fantastic in May!

In the middle of the Danube, between the Margaret-bridge and the Árpád-bridge, you can find the peaceful island named after a lady named Margaret who lived on the island in the 13th century. She lived in a monastery at the island, and you can still see ruins of it as you walk around the island today.

With the fantastic weather waiting for you in Budapest in May, you should definitely put on some good shoes and walk around the island. There are lots of things you can do on the island, and for more suggestions, look at our article describing ten awesome Margaret Island activities.

If the weather is very nice, you should bring a blanket and something to eat and drink, and just spend some time in quietness and peace, and charge your inner batteries (instead of your cell-phone batteries).

Eat your dinner at a restaurant with outdoor seating!

You need to eat, and you need to drink. Why not enjoy a warm (but not too hot) May evening in Budapest by eating a dinner outside? There are lots of restaurants with outdoor seating available in May, giving you the chance to drink a glass of Hungarian wine accompanied by a tasty Goulash soup in a beautiful environment. There are several restaurants by the Danube that will give you such opportunities, but you can also look for sky-bars where you can drink and eat outdoor with a marvelous view of Budapest from the top of a building.

wine in budapest

Come, come, come!

Budapest is waiting for you. These are only a few of many fantastic activities waiting for you in Budapest in May and throughout the year. If there should be some ugly clouds, you should either take a coffee break, visit a museum or find your swimming-suit and visit Széchényi Fürdő! Would you like to find out if there are any concerts, exhibitions, or festivals coming up in May? Look at our Budapest calendar to find out more.

If you have any comments or questions regarding what to do in Budapest in May, use the comment field below!

St. Stephen’s day

On August 20th, the Hungarians celebrate the name day of their first king, King Stephen. This is one of three national holidays in Hungary, but the only one that isn’t related to a revolution or a political riot.

August 20th is the “nicest” of the three holidays in Hungary. People are released from their jobs, and people just relax at home, go on excursions, and have a wonderful time. But, what is happening in the city of Budapest on August 20th?

Fireworks in Budapest on August 20th

Budapest on August 20th

There are quite a lot of minor celebrations in town. There are special celebrations in front of the castle, by the former market (down by the Danube). On this day, people taste the Hungarian bread, they taste the cake of the year in Hungary, and sometimes, there are special performances and flight races in town.

The most important part of the August 20th celebration is the fireworks which last from 21.00 until 21.30. Normally, more than 1 million people enter the streets of Budapest to watch the event (along the Danube), and this is the most unifying celebration in Hungary every year.

What to do in Budapest on August 20th?

As a tourist, you will notice that stores are closed. But, most museums are open, the Szechenyi thermal bath is open, and so are most of the restaurants around town. If you want to enjoy a river cruise, there will be some differences in the timetables due to the fireworks starting at 21.00, but besides that, there isn’t much to think about.

If you need help with an airport transfer, booking of a wine dinner, or maybe some other program, contact us or look around here at for more information!

Is it dangerous to travel on the river Danube in Budapest?

During the summer of 2019, a terrible accident happened on the river Danube as a ship with more than 20 passengers sank after a collision with another boat. This leads many people to ask whether or not it is actually safe to do a river cruise in Budapest? Here you will find the answers and the information you need!

If you have ever seen a picture of Budapest, you have most likely seen the beautiful Danube as well. It is amazing as it divides the city of Budapest into Buda and Pest, and it can be crossed on one of many bridges. The most famous of the bridges is the Chain Bridge, the first bridge that was built. It was finished in 1849. But, do you know why it took such a long time for a bridge to be constructed at all? Because of the current! There is so much water floating down the river at all seconds, making it a much harder river to control than, for example, the Charles Bridge in Prague (a bridge that was built more than 500 years earlier).

Budapest by night - a beauty for the eye and for the soul!
River cruise in Budapest – is it safe?

There is a lot of water passing by at any second, and the normal rate is somewhere between 2500-3000 m3 per second. But, in times of flooding (which it was during the time of the accident), the amount of water can increase to around 6000 m3 per second. The most extreme amount ever measured was more than 10,000 m3 per second.

Swimming in the Danube

The quality of the water in the Danube has improved lately, and at some locations, people do swim in the Danube. But, that is not in the main river, but at smaller extensions of the river without the strong current. There is an annual competition in Budapest where one can swim across the Danube by the Liberty Bridge, but every single participant is followed by a boat in order to be able to pick them up in case they do not manage. In other words, if you do not have great swimming skills, the Danube can be a really scary river.

If you are a great swimmer, it can still be dangerous, especially close to the bridges where underwater currents can pull you down towards the bottom before you are pressed towards the surface once again. During normal circumstances, the deepest parts of the Danube within the borders of Budapest is around 6 meters deep. But, when the river floods, it can easily reach 10 meters and more.

The conclusion is: Do not swim in the Danube when in Budapest, do not even try to swim, and warn any others that even consider getting close to the river.

River Cruise Budapest

What about a river cruise in Budapest?

There are many river cruises available in Budapest, and lots of companies working with providing awesome tours that give tourists fantastic memories. You never hear much about them, simply because they get no attention, and because there are no accidents. The only time you hear about them is when something happens. Luckily, that is very seldom, and that is why you never heard about it before the accident on May 29th in 2019.

As long as you stay on the ship (and not in the water), there is no problem and no need to worry before you board a river cruise in Budapest. The ships are also well equipped, meaning there are safety vests available for all passengers. During the accident on May 29th, things went so fast that they didn’t have time to get any such equipment. The accident was caused by human error, something that might just as well happen on a bus, in a taxi, or in an airplane.

The conclusion is: You shouldn’t worry at all about taking a river cruise in Budapest. It is very safe, the boats are controlled and well-equipped, and it will give you a memory for a lifetime as you enjoy the view and the food/drinks served on board.

Maybe it sounds dangerous considering the strong current. Of course, it does. But, doesn’t it sound dangerous to sit in a box of metal at 10,000 meters? Wouldn’t be fund to fall out from there either, would it? In other words, stay on the plane and stay on the boat, and you will be safe and have an enjoyable time!

What are your thoughts/questions?

These are some pure facts and thoughts related to whether or not it is safe to go on a river cruise in Budapest. Do you have some experience that you would like to share? Or do you have a question related to the river Danube or some specific river cruise in Budapest? Write your question or comment in beneath!

Flood in Budapest

You have probably heard the news that the Danube and other rivers in Europe are flooding at the moment. In what way might this influence your visit to Budapest?

For most tourists the fact that the Danube is flooding will not influence your stay very much. Life goes on as normal for most people, of course with some exceptions. The Danube is supposed to peak on Sunday/Monday, but already now the water levels are very high. Because of the high water levels the road on both the Pest and the Buda side next to the Danube is standing under water. This will require all drivers to choose other roads, which again will lead to increased traffic and lots of jams in areas and on roads near the Danube. If possible, use public transportation instead.

Most river cruises in Budapest are cancelled in the coming days, because boats will have problems traveling under the bridges because of the amount of water in the Danube.

Hotel guests at the Margaret Island are moved to other hotels, because the idyllic island in the middle of the Danube is very threatened by the flood.

The metro stop Batthyany ter is closed. The metro line is still running, but this stop on the Buda side is closed for passengers.

Except from these things life goes on as normal, and if you are in Hungary and Budapest on June 8th, why not join us on our amazing new wine trip to Eger?

Below you can find a picture from the flood from Pinterest.

Colombus Budapest review

There are some restaurants in Budapest located on great places, and there are those with absolutely perfect locations if you want to enjoy good food accompanied by a beautiful panorama. Colombus is such a place.

Colombus is the name of a boat restaurant located on the Pest side of Budapest on the Danube. The boat doesn’t move, so it is lying still, but with windows looking towards the Buda side and with a terrace giving you a great view towards the Gellert Hill, the Castle of Buda, the Chain Bridge and lots of other Budapest attractions. The location and the view is perfect, but what about the food?

The wiener schnitzel, a traditional main course in Budapest

Colomus Budapest review

At the menu in Colombus you will find quite a lot of fish dishes and some traditional Hungarian dishes. We ordered a fajita with chicken and a traditional Hungarian wiener schnitzel, followed by two desserts. Service was good and the fajita and the wiener schnitzel tasted just the way they are meant to. For dessert we ate a chocolate mousse and a chocolate brownie (we do like chocolate). The brownie with ice cream was great, while the chocolate mousse was average.

Colombus is not only known for great panorama and good food, but they have live music available regularly, salsa evenings and other musical events. Many know the boat as a jazz boat, so if you want to combine good food with live music and wonderful panorama, why not choose Colombus. Next to Colombus you will find Spoon Cafe & Lounge, another restaurant boat. If I had to choose which place to visit of the two I would without hesitation choose Colombus, because based on my own experience I enjoyed my visit to Colombus much more than I enjoyed my two visits to Spoon.

The brownie was a good choice for dessert

The price for the one starter (the fajitas was only a starter), the wiener schnitzel with mashed potatoes and cucumber salad, the two desserts and two drinks was totally around 8500 HUF. I must admit that some people would pay that price for the panorama alone!

Colombus information

1051 Budapest, Vigadó tér, Peer 4

Panorama from the Colombus terrace

Have you been to Colombus yourself? Share your experience and write a comment/review. If you want to make a table reservation in Colombus, use the forms further down

Easter in Budapest

Easter is just around the corner and Budapest is waiting for you with great weather, some wind and lots of cool activities. It is often risky traveling in Easter, because you might end up at a destination where everything is closed and you can not really do anything.

Easter in BudapestIn Budapest there are great activities available every day and a popular activity such as the Szechenyi Thermal Bath is ope every day throughout Easter. When it comes to shopping most shops are closed on April 8th and 9th (Sunday and Monday), but except from that they are open every day. If you are looking for shopping on April 8th and 9th, we suggest that you join us on an excursion to Szentendre.

In Szentendre all shops are open (even on April 8th and 9th) and here you will be able to combine a wonderful atmosphere with wine tasting, shopping, marzipan museum and a little guided tour. Read more about the tour here!

If you are thirsty because of the nice weather you can also come on a brewery visit on April 8th and 9th. The big wine dinner and the excursion to Etyek is also available on these days (and all other days during Easter).

Most Budapest museums are open during Easter, so if you are looking for some knowledge about a special topic, read more about the different Budapest museums. One of the best museums in Budapest, the Museum of Fine Arts is open every day during Easter.

For some Easter is not only about sightseeing, museums and excursions, but it also serves as the foundation for their lives; the belief in the birth, death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. If that is you, it might be interesting to know that there are several churches where you can attend Easter services in Budapest.

In St. Stephens Basilica there is a service at 10.00 on April 8th, and there are services there at 8.30, 10.00, 12.00 and 18.00 on April 9th. This is the nicest location for an Easter service in Budapest. If you would like to attend a more charismatic church then another church has service at 10.00 on April 8th, while Calvery Chapel has services at 8.00, 10.00 and 12.00 on April 8th.

Budapest is waiting for you with amazing and wonderful Easter programs. Come join us, and enjoy the beauties of the Hungarian capital, some delicious goose liver, and a beautiful panorama on one of the many trips on the Danube.

If you are looking for information on Easter market in Budapest, click on the text. If you would like to go on a river cruise in Prague instead, click here.

Read more about Easter masses in Paris here

Danube opened for boat traffic again

Two days ago we wrote that the Danube has been closed for boat traffic for some days. Now it has been opened again, so if you are ready for a Danube Cruise on the Danube with live music, lunch/dinner and beautiful view – the chance is hereby given. If you are planing to visit London, you can read more about cruises on the River Thames here.

Enjoy Budapest and in these days it seems as if the very cold weather is leaving the Hungarian capital again, so hopefully the spring is waiting for us just around the corner!

No Danube Cruises because of the ice

It is cold in Budapest currently, and because of the cold there is lots of ice on the Danube. And because of the ice there is no boat traffic on the Danube at the moment. It has been so for almost a week, and we expect it to stay the same way for some more days. If you would like to go on a Danube Cruise still, you can do so, only the boat will not move, but stand at the same place. For booking of such a Danube Cruise, go here.

We will come back with an update as soon as the Danube is free of ice and boats are allowed to travel again.

Danube Cruise
Danube Cruise

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